Monday, August 9, 2010

Kenya Nairobi Sarova Panafric

Did presentation on Basic Requirement in performing cleft surgery in Second Panafrican conference in Anesthesia for cleft surgery. It was good.
Nairobi had cold weather in our arrival there. My self and Dr. Shankar Man Rai went there, Dr. Rai also presented there in conference. Stayed in Hotel Silver Spring in Nairobi from 25 th July to 29th July 2010. Conference was from 26th to 28th July 2010. Back to Nepal on 29th July at 2pm Kenyan time by Qatar Airways. Stayed in transit for 6 hours in Doha airport. Wanted buy some alcohol bottles in duty free but there were too many crowd in counter, I had little time so for Doha airport and by the time when I went for shopping in Duty free shop it was already late and had to go for boarding. Flight to Doha from Nairobi was around 5 hours and all the passengers were to have transit in Doha. Again from Doha to Kathmandu, flight was around 4 hours and 45 minutes. Arrived in Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu at 8:30 am local time.